God of War is an action-adventure game developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The eighth installment in the franchise and the eighth game chronologically in the God of War franchise, the title received universal acclaim as well as numerous Game of the Year titles in 2018. The game would go on to rank as one of the highest-ranking PS4 games ever, as well as one of the best-selling PS4 games.
From Santa Monica Studio and creative director Cory Barlog comes a new beginning for God of War. Living as a man outside the shadow of the gods, Kratos must adapt to unfamiliar lands, unexpected threats, and a second chance at being a father. Together with his son Atreus, the pair will venture into the brutal Norse wilds and fight to fulfill a deeply personal quest.
A groundbreaking third-person game presented in a continuous shot, the game focuses on taking the player into a cinematic world steeped in Norse mythology. This AAA game featured groundbreaking and breathtaking combat, world design, art direction, music, graphic, characters, and visual effects.